Are you stressed because of missing tooth? Dentures are the most realistic solution that can help you regain smile and confidence. This is one of the best dental cosmetic devices that can help you get your missing tooth back and in aligned. These can keep facial muscles intact and avoid sagging due to teeth extraction.
While full dentures cover the jaw, partial ones fill up the gaps against a few missing teeth. However, wearing them can be quite annoying and uncomfortable. You may even find difficulties in chewing hard food. It may take a few days or weeks to adjust to dentures.
So, below are useful tips and tricks to help you use dentures safely for the first time. This will reduce stress and discomfort.
When you wear dentures for the first time, you may feel strange as they will entirely cover your natural teeth. You may face difficulties in speaking, smiling and eating food. However, with time, you may get used to the dentures in your mouth. So, be optimistic and stay relaxed.
You can practice loud speaking by reading books and repeat words that are difficult to speak. These small things can make a huge different and help you regain the rhythm within a first few days.
Avoid eating your regular diet after wearing the dentures. You need to start with soft or easy-to-chew foods, such as boiled vegetables, mashed potatoes, cooked oatmeal, juices, yoghurt, pudding, etc.
Eating hard or chewy food, such as nuts, chicken, raw vegetables and candies can irritate your gums under the denture, causing inflammation and pain. It is good to consult your cosmetic dentist in Far Queensland and consume food accordingly in the first week after installing dentures.
Most people complaint that dentures are not fitting into the mouth properly for long. If you are facing the same issues, you can ask your dentist in Mareeba for a dental adhesive. It is a paste or powder applied on the inner side of your dentures. Use it according to the prescription and secure your dentures.
Stop using it when you feel comfort with dentures. Also, do facial exercise to strengthen your muscles and regain the dental power when chewing your food.
When you are uncomfortable with your dentures, take them out after a few hours. The pressure created when eating or speaking can make the gums inflamed and cause pain.
So, remove dentures for a few minutes and let your gums breathe and recover. Also, ensure you rinse your mouth with warm salt water to soothe the soreness and maintain oral hygiene.
Dentists in Queensland recommend removing dentures for at least six hours a day.
Dentures are the best devices for dental cosmetics. It can replace your natural teeth and boost your confidence. However, remember that adjusting to them takes time. So, follow these instructions carefully and achieve comfort and strength when you wear dentures.
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